Shijay Projects India Private Limited provides reliable geophysical equipment and surveying.

Seismic waves provide a two-dimensional depiction of subsurface geology in a 2D seismic survey. Indian oil and gas exploration uses 2D seismic surveys.

India has awarded hydrocarbon exploration licenses to several firms. 2D seismic surveys in India help these corporations find oil and gas reserves.

Surveys use seismic sources, geophones, and data processing software.

India conducts 2D seismic studies in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Assam.

Geologists and geophysicists analyze 2D seismic surveys to identify geological formations and hydrocarbon reserves. If a reserve is found, the corporation may dig wells to confirm oil or gas.

When it comes to providing geospatial services to energy companies around the world, Shijay Projects India Private Limited is the go-to provider.

Petroleum Prospecting in Shijay 

Shijay Projects India Private Limited is a global leader in geospatial services and a reliable partner for the energy industry.

Decisions about where to install pipelines or drill wells require extensive surveying and study for the oil and gas industry. This is to ensure that the decisions are data-driven and accurate. We help businesses make better decisions by generating more accurate data through regular product updates and innovation.

Our Partners may count on us for geospatial support at every stage of the process, from initial exploration to final field abandonment.

Prospecting for Minerals and Water

Investment and mining planning based on reliable estimates of mineral and water reserves is essential.

To help them with their planning, Shijay creates a 3D digital model of the area for geological evaluations. Mineral potential zones are created after extensive surveying, weighting, and the preparation of many physiological and geographical layers are completed.


When it comes to the planning and evaluation of infrastructure projects, no one does it better than Shijay Projects India Private Limited.

Our work can be seen in petrochemical refineries, power plants, sewers, desalination plant discharges, harbors, pipelines, bridges, and dredged and reclaimed land.

Multichannel OMEGA-48

Resistivity system built on electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technology, specifically for vertical electrical sounding (VES) and induced polarization (IP) techniques.

The OMEGA-48 Resistivity Survey in India 

  • 10-channel multi-electrode instrument with a transmitter,

  •  Receiver 

  • Switching unit all connected through a single

  • Rugged cable to the current and measurement lines.

  • An industrial laptop comprised of two 24-electrode multi-core cables

  • Controlling the system

  • Acquiring results

  • Processing and interpreting data

  •  Visualizing inversion results all require software. 

This includes creating a field measuring protocol, 

  • SEQ files

  • Managing the measuring process

  • Collecting and storing data

  • Visualizing and modifying field data,

  •  Performing automatic data 2D inversion.

The apparent resistivity survey in India and apparent charge ability are time parameters of charge ability calculated from the voltage decay curve at the measuring electrodes after the current has been turned off, and the amplitude parameters of the transmitter's output current.


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